May 4 – On Sunsets

The day dawned grey, another sombre morning – the latest in a long line.  A fortnight of rain had left little expectation for sunshine, blue skies a distant memory.  What disappointed most this morning was that a clear day had been forecast.

It was not to be.

Leaden clouds hung low all day, until, late in the afternoon, as the sun was slipping on the horizon, it slung low enough to shine bright beneath the clouds.

Golden it blazed, bathing all it touched in radiant light.  Purple were the clouds above, defeated at last.

It was nice to see the sun.

May 1 – On Rain

It can hold no more – the sodden earth.  It has drunk its fill and can hold no more.

Water is everywhere.  Everything is damp and wet; the roads like rivers, pools overflowing, buildings sprouting leaks where there have not been leaks before.

Tomorrow we are escaping the confines of the apartment to venture into the great soggy outdoors, where we will consume warming beverages, wear waterproof shoes, and need the ability to dance around large droplets falling from trees and other overhanging things.

To shock passersby, I may jump unashamedly into large puddles – rain streaming from my hair, unrestrained laughter.

April 23 – On the Zombie Apocalypse

Would you make it?

Would you be prepared for an apocalypse?

Any apocalypse?

I don’t mean in a crazy, dig an underground bunker, lay in supplies for twenty years, practice with low grade munitions in your backyard type ‘preppers’ kind of survival, just in a normal, ‘wear sensible shoes just in case’ kind of way.

Don’t loot stores for electrical appliances on your way to being evacuated – seems to be a waste of time.  And keep track of your loved ones, as they’re pretty important, too.

Lastly, the phrase ‘high and dry’ has been offered.

Makes good sense to me….

April 22 – A little night terror

She wasn’t sure why she was awake, but as soon as she came to her senses, she could tell that there was something else in the room with them.

Instinctively, her eyelids flew open.  There was the distinct sound of somebody brushing their hands together.

She rammed her eyelids shut.  She slowed her breathing, which had begun to race.  Best to feign sleep.  Hide.

She reached across the bed, putting her hand on her partner for reassurance as the window blinds rattled.

Then – silence.  She slept.

The next morning by the window, a large, dead moth was on the floor.

April 14 – On Happiness

I know that adults laugh less than children.  How sad a thing it is that we get worn down with worries, cares – with being adults every day.  How difficult it is to sometimes flick that switch over, crack your face into a smile, and be happy.

People get stuck it seems, in unhappiness.  It spreads like a virus; infecting everyone who touches it.  What we seem to forget is that love, and happiness, behave in much the same way.

A smile is contagious!

I heard good news today and it made me smile.  A friend of mine got married.


April 8 – On dedication

This is hard.

This is really, really hard.

At the end of a day at work, cooking and (occasionally) cleaning up, I’m willing to admit that I’m finding this blog a challenge.

And I don’t even have children yet – heaven knows I’ll need a bit more dedication when they come along….

One hundred words can sometimes not be enough, and on other nights it’s like pulling hen’s teeth.  This night included, if you can’t tell by the content.

In other news, I’m currently watching the most violent movie I’ve ever seen.

Hope your Wednesday night is calmer than mine is!

April 6 – A change of pace

The clocks have gone back, the leaves are turning, and winter is on its way.

Already the sun is losing strength; the shadows lengthen as the days decline.  The sun sets golden in the early evening against purple skies.

After a Sydney summer, the trees look almost exhausted – their leaves sapped of colour.

Down south, there are frosts overnight.  Ice on car windscreens in the morning if you are lucky.  Back at home after our holiday, we’ve been lucky enough to go for a swim this morning, although it won’t last for much longer.

Tomorrow, we go back to work.

April 5 – A brief encounter with space and time

To those of you following along at home, I must apologise for my absence.  Clearly, I am not yet the organised blogger that I hope one day to be.  That being said, I’ve returned home tonight (to 8 days’ worth of laundry X 2 people, closed supermarkets, and blessedly good internet) with a brain conundrum.

I’ve flown many times – both internationally and domestically – I understand the concept, but it always strikes me as a little odd; like some weird present day TARDIS; you step into an aluminium capsule that transports you both chronologically and spatially, while smelling of farts the entire time.

March 27 – On Fairy Tales

Don’t lie – you’ve always wanted to be a princess.

And even if you never get to be a real princess, at least Disney was able to nurture your fantasies and let you dream a little.

With their latest live-action movie remake, Cinderella, you will be so charmed that you will have the chance to feel like a princess, too.

Sparkles and magic; these are two things Disney are renowned for, they are in abundance in this re-telling of the classic that will have you cheering for all things magical, and boo-hissing the baddies.

A wonderful study of kindness and love.

March 26 – On Holidays

I don’t think that there is any better feeling, than starting holidays.

Working hard all week, rushing to get things finished, if possible, by the deadline of walking out the door without a care in the world for a week or two.

All the stress melts away, and not even missing the most stunning sunset that Sydney has had to offer all month is enough to make me feel down.

The idea of free time, time to walk, explore, airports, eating, reading, relaxing, sleeping, driving, exploring – all of my favourite things will be happening as of now.

Bring.  It.  On.