April 8 – On dedication

This is hard.

This is really, really hard.

At the end of a day at work, cooking and (occasionally) cleaning up, I’m willing to admit that I’m finding this blog a challenge.

And I don’t even have children yet – heaven knows I’ll need a bit more dedication when they come along….

One hundred words can sometimes not be enough, and on other nights it’s like pulling hen’s teeth.  This night included, if you can’t tell by the content.

In other news, I’m currently watching the most violent movie I’ve ever seen.

Hope your Wednesday night is calmer than mine is!

March 25 – On Family

The older I get, the more I am coming to appreciate my family.

It’s funny – the different stages that you go through, from childhood to adulthood, and how you regard your family differently throughout.

As a child, you take so much for granted.  Your parents will always be there, they will always look after you; everything is good.

As a teenager no one understands you.  You can’t imagine that your parents were teenagers once, it’s not possible that they will ever know you.

As an adult, you can’t spend enough precious time with them.

I appreciate mine more every day.

March 3 – On Guilty Pleasures

Despicable Me.

It has become an instant success in our household of precisely two adults.

So much so, that after viewing the first movie on Sunday night, we are settling in the watch the sequel tonight.

We are both big fans of cleverly made kids movies; there’s nothing more relaxing than sitting down to watch a brilliantly animated story about right and wrong, good triumphing over evil, all while having your heartstrings tugged at (cue impossibly cute children with oversized heads and adorable speech impediments!) and laughing at fart jokes at the same time.

I highly recommend you watch it.

February 23 – A Letter; Version 3

Dear X,

I haven’t even met you yet.  And it’s not likely to be for a while, either, but I would like to tell you about how excited I am.

We talk about you often, about the different traits that we think you will have, about the colour of your hair, about what sport you might like to try.  About how you have no hope at all with people such as us providing you with your genes.

We are building castles in the sky – talking of hopes and dreams, fears, more hopes and more dreams.

And they are all amazing.